3833 S. Staples, Suite S-101, Corpus Christi, TX 78411

Online/Mail Donations

Kings Crossing Prison Ministries is grateful for your prayers and financial support. We will not continue to exist without it. Your prayers mean more to us than support financially. If God is not for us, we will fail. If what we are doing is not consistent with the Lord’s Will, we should cease. Please . . . pray for us!

You may securely contribute through this website (click Online Donation button below) to help us with our “general” budget or, you may choose to direct your donation toward a specific area of ministry. To learn more about individual aspects of this ministry, you can research it elsewhere on this site.

If you still have unanswered questions, contact us.




Please print out, complete and mail the following form to: 

Kings Crossing Prison Ministries
3833 S. Staples, Suite S-101
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411



Name: ______________________________________Address*: _____________________________________________


Apt./Suite: ________ City: __________________________________State: __________________Zip: ______________


Email*: _____________________________________ Area Code/Phone Number: (______) _______________________


Donation Amount: $_________ One-Time Gift? _____ Monthly Gift? _____ Quarterly Gift? _____ Annual Gift? _____


*This allows us to share our newsletters and financial reports with you. 


Indicate how you desire your donation to be applied:

□ General Budget □ Recruiting, Training & Workshops
□ Jail & Prison Classroom Materials □ Baptistries Around the World
□ Bibles Christians Against Substance Abuse (CASA)
□ Bible Correspondence School □ Christian Re-Entry Assistance Program
□ Postage & Shipping □ Offender Family Follow-Up
Reconciled & Renewed Seminars □ “Little Angels”
□ Networking Tools & Directories □ Kolb Legacy Fund
□ Buck & Janet Griffith Legacy Fund