3833 S. Staples, Suite S-101, Corpus Christi, TX 78411


Kings Crossing Prison Ministries has maintained a National Directory of Churches of Christ and Individual Christians Involved in Jail & Prison Ministries for 50 years (following the first National Prison Ministry Workshop in 1974). This tool is a tremendous asset to jail/prison workers throughout the United States. Using this resource, contacts can be found for referral purposes in other sections of the country. It is vital in seeking assistance when offenders are transferred from one facility to another. This “directory” includes congregations and individual workers within them. There are many Christians active in jail/prison ministries but their “home” congregation may not be involved. This information constantly changes. We request your help to keep it current.

Accuracy increases its value. Copies are made available “free” to those attending the National Jail & Prison Ministry Workshop each June.


We also maintain a Texas Directory to assist those seeking contact data with state and federal facilities within the State of Texas. Due to space constraints, it does not contain data on the 240 county jails in Texas but you find this at www.texasjailproject.org. Information about individual facilities is included (address, phone number, chaplain, local church/volunteer contact information). Again, we solicit your help to keep the information up to date.

Finally, we maintain a list of faith-based substance abuse recovery programs. This started in an effort to locate existing Christians Against Substance Abuse (CASA) support groups. Later, we added ALL known “faith-based” 12-Step groups. This is a valuable resource tool as folks we work with move from place to place. CASA support groups are very important to prisoners being released into the free-world community. Since parolees in Texas are required to attend two 12-Step meetings per week, the church with a CASA group has a steady flow of men and women coming their way. CASA leaders need to nurture their relationship with authorities within the local office of District Parole.