3833 S. Staples, Suite S-101, Corpus Christi, TX 78411

Teaching Materials

Kings Crossing Prison Ministries uses a large number of Bible-Study-by-Mail courses directed toward prisoners and an assortment of teaching tracts to reinforce the Bible lessons. Each is authored by experienced prison ministers and/or Christians having personally experienced incarceration and freedom. Research reveals that a person decides within five minutes if a publication will be of benefit. It is challenging to capture the interest of this population. This is the reason we use these materials. Wherever the U.S. mail goes, these tools can go; reaching men and women in locations within facilities where volunteers are not allowed. The teaching is systematic, like consistent building blocks over time. These same materials are shared with others for a minimal donation to cover costs and shipping.

All materials are on white paper with black ink to comply with the most rigid regulations of jails and prisons in the USA. Correspondence courses use ten review questions with multiple-choice responses for easy grading and speedier returns to maintain student enthusiasm. Lighter weight paper use reduces postage costs. A brief description of the available material are on the order form. The order form is to be printed out and completed. Then, it may be mailed, faxed, or scanned and emailed.

Since we will not know the shipping amount until shipped, a notice of the amount due will be mailed separately to the address you designate.


1. Click the form to open/print a copy.

2. Complete the form - include name, physical address, phone number (including area code)

3. Send it with your check or money order via U.S. Mail to the address below:

Kings Crossing Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 270720
Corpus Christi, Texas 78427-0720

or Fax to: 361-855-7469 

or Email toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We will mail the amount due plus shipping after material is sent. The minimum shipping charge is $4.95. If the shipping exceeds $4.95, the amount is whatever amount we are charged to ship it to you. If you are unable to reimburse us, the materials will be supplied at no cost to you.